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BOOKS & AUDIOBOOKS: Books are checked out for a 2 week borrowing period. If books are not on a reserve waiting list, then books may be renewed 2 additional times for 2 weeks each time. There is a checkout limit of 25 books per patron. Fines are 10 cents per day, per book.

MOVIES: DVDs can be checked out for 1 week. There is a checkout limit of 5 DVDs per patron. If DVDs are not on a reserve waiting list, then DVDs may be renewed 1 additional time for 1 week. Fines on movies are $1.00 per day per movie.

REFERENCE, LOCAL HISTORY & GENEALOGY MATERIALS: Materials are available at both branches. Materials are non-circulating, and are available for in-house use only. Please sign-in at the entrance to the Genealogy Room.

RESERVES: Reserves can be placed at both locations and/or online. Reserves are held for 7 business days.

COMPUTER & WI-FI ACCESS: Computers and WI-FI are available at both branch locations. Public Access Computers (PAC), have no limit on use, unless another patron is waiting, then a two-hour limit will be implemented. Access is without charge and is on a first-come serve basis. Printing is available at 10 cents per page; black & white copies only. All printing is sent to a central printer in the lobby. Everyone must comply with the library computer policy. Computers shut down 10 minutes before the library closes.


1,000 Books before Kindergarten program is for birth to five years of age (pre-kindergarten). Join the fun and build a great literacy foundation for your child. For more details call (615-563-5861) or stop by the library.

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library and the Governor's Book from Birth, together, provides and mails a free book every month to children under 5 years of age. We can help you sign up at the library.

Adult Book Club meets the first Monday of every month at 5:00PM at Adams Memorial Library.